MIT8.04 [part6]
Interpretation of the wavefunction. Probability density, probability current. Current conservation. Hermitian operators.
Author: Finn
MIT8.04 [part5]
Matter wave for a particle. Momentum and position operators. Schrödinger equation.
MIT8.04 [part4]
Galilean transformation of de Broglie wavelength. Wave-packets and group velocity.
PRLabour’s note on MIT8.04 [part 3]
MIT8.04 [part3]
Photoelectric effect. Compton Scattering. de Broglie wavelength.
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MIT8.04 [part2]
Mach-Zehnder interferometer and Elitzur-Vaidman bomb
MIT8.04 [part1]
Linearity and superposition, linear operator, Schrodinger equation, necessity of complex number, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, polarizer experiment and spin experiment…
original resource at MITOpenCourseWare
1.6 Strange Particles
Discovery of Kaon, “strangeness”, and its “conservation law”
1.5 Neutrinos
The indeterministic electron energy in beta decay raised a requirement of new particle produced in the reaction, recalling Powell’s emulsion picture indicates this new particle should be electrically neutral, eventually led to the family of leptons.
1.4 Antiparticle
From Dirac’s discovery of negative energy solution to a resolution of a “infinite sea of electrons”, till introduction of antiparticle by Feynman and Stuckelberg