_NOTES_ 1.6 Strange Particles chapter1. historical introduction Particle Physics

1.6 Strange Particles $($1947~1960$)$

1.6 Strange Particles

Discovery of Kaon, “strangeness”, and its “conservation law”
notes on 1.6 Strange Particles [part 1]
notes on 1.6 Strange Particles [part2]
notes on 1.6 Strange Particles [part 3]
_NOTES_ 1.5 Neutrino chapter1. historical introduction Particle Physics

1.5 Neutrinos $($1930~1962$)$

1.5 Neutrinos

The indeterministic electron energy in beta decay raised a requirement of new particle produced in the reaction, recalling Powell’s emulsion picture indicates this new particle should be electrically neutral, eventually led to the family of leptons.
notes on 1.5 Neutrinos [part1]
notes on 1.5 Neutrinos [part2]
notes on 1.5 Neutrinos [part3]
notes on 1.5 Neutrinos [part4]
notes on 1.5 Neutrinos [part5]
_NOTES_ 1.4 Antiparticle chapter1. historical introduction Particle Physics

1.4 Antiparticle $($1930~1956$)$

1.4 Antiparticle

From Dirac’s discovery of negative energy solution to a resolution of a “infinite sea of electrons”, till introduction of antiparticle by Feynman and Stuckelberg
notes on 1.4 Antiparticle [part1]
notes on 1.4 Antiparticle [part2]
_NOTES_ 1.3 Meson chapter1. historical introduction Particle Physics

1.3 Mesons $($1934~1947$)$

1.3 Meson

this section introduce Yukawa’s original theory about meson
notes on 1.3 Meson [part1]
notes on 1.3 Meson [part2]
_NOTES_ 1.2 Photon chapter1. historical introduction exercise General Relativity

1.2 Photon and Compton Scattering

1.2 Photon

solution of Compton scattering may also serve as an exercise of relativity
_NOTES_ 1.1 the classical era chapter1. historical introduction Particle Physics

1.1 The Classical Era

1.1 the Electrical Era

from J. J. Thomson’s discovery of electron to Bohr’s model of hydrogen