MIT8.04 [part14]
Harmonic oscillator
Author: Finn
MIT8.04 [part13]
Δ function potential and harmonic oscillator

MIT8.04 [part12]
The Dirac Well and Scattering off the Finite Step

MIT8.04 [part11]
Finite and infinite square well

Reproduced from MIT OCW
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MIT8.04 [part10]
Stationary states. Boundary conditions for the wavefunction. Particle on a circle.

MIT8.04 [part9]
Hermitian operators as observables: Real eigenvalues orthogonal eigenfunctions. Measurement postulate. Uncertainty defined. Uncertainty relation stated.

MIT8.04 [part8]
Momentum expectation values. General definition of expectation values of Hermitian operators. Time derivative of expectation values (Ehrenfest theorem). Commutators.

This article using Schwarzschild metric as an example to demonstrate the calculation of Christoffel symbols and their contraction with given metric
Codes used in this post has been published on Wolfram cloud and is completely open source.. Loading online notebook may take a while, take a break for ur health 🙂
MIT8.04 [part7]
Expectation values of ˆx. Wave-packets and uncertainty. Time evolution of wave-packets. Shape changes. Fourier transforms and Parseval Theorem.